Accessible Form Builder

This tool has been superceded by a newer and better one. No really, it's much nicer! By all means, you can use this old one, but we recommend you use the Quick Form Builder instead :)

Enter your form details

Separate items using [return]

Need help completing this form?

  1. If you want the form to be bound by a fieldset, type a title for it in the Form Legend field.
  2. Please enter all the form fields you want in the order that you want them by typing in the input label. Separate items by using return/carriage return (but not required after the last item in the list)
  3. [help tip 3 does not apply to CSS layout]
  4. [help tip 4 does not apply to CSS layout]
  5. Include title attribute in each input (will be generated automatically from field label)