Tabindex test Quick Page Accessibility Tester - test Page | Accessify

Page Tests - examples of typical problems

Link Tests

Link to an anchor
A prefectly good link
Some examples of bad link phrases: CLICK HERE or find out more or get more info or go HERE. What are you waiting for ... GO
A Nice link with duplicated title
A javascript: link
New window link
Window with target attribute but no title attrib
Anchor with just name attribute
Tabindex test
Tabindex test
Tabindex test
Tabindex test (negative)

Image Tests


This is a really long alt given the miniscule size of the image it's attached to

spacer bullet nothing blank CLICK HERE

Additional info about this image

Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt. Really long alt.

little alt

Form Tests

No label
No id on input

Table Tests

Table with summary and headers/ids
Table with summary and scope
Table with summary and headers/ids
No summary
No summary
Empty summary
Empty summary
Table with summary but no headers/ids or scope
This is a caption
Table with summary and scope

ARIA Tests

Checking to see if we can identify likely ARIA landmark roles ...

Long unordered list
Small unordered list
Long unordered list - no links
Long ordered list
  1. Link
  2. Link
  3. Link
  4. Link
  5. Link
  6. Link
  7. Link
Small ordered list
  1. Link
  2. Link
Long ordered list - no links
  1. Text
  2. Text
  3. Text
  4. Text
  5. Text
  6. Text
  7. Text
  8. Text